A question I have sometimes pondered is this: “Does preaching do any good?” When I look at how many lives are NOT changed based on what I’ve preached, I can all-too-easily conclude that sermons are a waste of time. What do you think? But the real question isn’t what we may think, but what Jesus […]
Acts 8:26-40: What is to keep me from being baptized?
An angel of the Lord sends Philip chasing after a chariot. A eunuch from Ethiopia is reading the Prophet Isaiah. He reads about Jesus but doesn’t know that. Then he comes to some water and is baptized. The Gospel is a messy business, isn’t it? We don’t like it messy. We prefer our life with God […]
It’s unsettling when you finally realize that you’ve haven’t had all the information you’ve needed. You go into a business transaction and make a lousy deal because you’ve only had part of the information. You live your life, working under certain presumptions, only later to find out that some of your presumptions were based on […]
Fishers of Men
What a strange miracle: a miracle of catching many fish. That was a miracle tailor-made for fishermen. And that’s who Jesus’ first disciples were; they were fishermen. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were all partners in a fishing business. One day, Jesus was teaching a crowd that converged at the Sea of Galilee. Running out […]
John 15:26-16:4
Jesus says that whoever confesses Him before others, He will confess before His Father in heaven (Matthew 10:32). The Apostle Peter says, “Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). So, every Christian in his everyday life is to point others to Jesus. […]