A Biblical and Historical Look at “The Rapture”

Today, it seems almost impossible to escape the talk of “The Rapture” within the North American Church.  Over the last century, this teaching has become so popular within North-American Protestant thinking that even those outside the Church have heard of the term.  This article and study takes a short look into this happening.  This was […]

Romans 13:11-14: The Time when Time was Fulfilled

Before the people who became of age in the 1960s got the name “Baby Boomers,” some called them the “Now Generation.”  Back then, that generation was young–but it was more than that.  They also wanted to change the world!  The Who sang “My Generation” and Bob Dylan crooned, “The times they are a changing.”  The […]

Straighten up and raise your heads, for your redemption is near!

This is the confessional address our pastor gave to us during our Service of Confession.  The purpose of a confessional address is to prepare one for confession, after which the Lord’s Supper is to be received.   Jesus says, “When these [signs of the end times] begin to take place, straighten up and raise your […]

Study to Begin on Revelation (aka The Apocalypse)

On May 27th, during our Sunday School hour (8:15-9:15 AM), we will begin a study on the book of Revelation.  All are invited to learn about this mysterious and often misunderstood book.

What is Hell?

In our Sunday School class, we’ve been exploring the biblical teaching on the End Times.  Part of that exploration has dealt with Hell.  Many today see Hell as an eternal separation from God.  We explored that idea based on 2 Thessalonians 1:9, but also studied why Hell as an eternal separation from God is not the […]