1 Kings 17: Pointing to Jesus

Jesus says that all, not some, but all the Scriptures testify of Him (John 5:39). And so when we ponder our Old-Testament reading for today, we should ask, “How does Elijah, the widow, and her son point me to Jesus?” But before we go there, let’s review last week’s Old-Testament reading. For today’s Old-Testament reading […]

1 Kings 19:11-21: God humbles Himself, bringing life, not death

Who here has never been burnt out? Who has never felt emptied of strength, energy, and motivation? It could be overwork and “underplay.” It could be one stress after another, draining your reserves past empty, leaving you gasping on fumes. That was Elijah in our Old Testament reading. He had just faced down the prophets […]

Get Up and Eat: 1 Kings 19:1-8

“Get up and eat”: that was the buzzing alarm clock that awakened the Prophet Elijah as he slept under a broom tree.  He had just come back from the magnificent victory at Mt. Carmel, where fire blazed down from heaven, and 450 prophets of Baal were put to the sword.  What a heroic day for […]