2 Timothy, Lesson 4: Persevere

Last week, we explored the relationship between Paul and Onesiphorus, how Onesiphorus helped Paul in prison when others had abandoned him, and how Paul prayed for Onesiphorus after he had […]

1 Timothy, Lesson 2: Timothy is to “wage war” against false doctrine

Last week we learned that Paul had left Timothy in Ephesus to serve as pastor there to “clean house.” God’s household, the congregation there, had come under the sway of […]

1 Timothy, Lesson 1 (and Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles)

Before we delve into 1 Timothy, a general survey of what we call “the Pastoral Epistles” would be helpful.   Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles What are the Pastoral Epistles? […]

Acts, Lesson 23: Paul Gives Godly Counsel to Fellow Pastors

Paul is still on his third missionary journey. Having left Ephesus, his longest stay during his missionary travels, he makes a final sweep through Greece before going to Jerusalem. During […]

3 John

Author: The Apostle John The nearly identical style, structure, and length of 3 John to 2 John, and closely related material to 1 John, shows them to have the same […]