Acts 2:41-44: The Fulfilled Synagogue and Temple in the Divine Service

Long ago, in ages past, the Creator remembered, recalling the promise He made to Abraham.  “Through [Abraham, God will bless], all the people of the earth” (Genesis 12:3).  So, years later, the Almighty enlists a Hebrew man raised in an Egyptian household, Moses.  Through him, the remembering God rescues these descendants of the promise, using […]

Luke 17:1-10, Acts 2:42-47: Faith

What is faith?  What is its source?  How does faith become yours?  Do you create it within yourself, or does someone give it to you? How we answer changes the way we worship.  Our understanding of faith affects the how we tell others of Jesus and shapes the way we live.  Our understanding of faith […]

Mark 1:21-28: The Purpose of Coming to Church

When we come to church, each of us seeks something.  It’s like other areas in our lives.  I go to Harter House to get groceries.  I go to the gas station to get gas for my car.  So, what do you expect to get when you come to Church? But specifically, what do you expect […]