Comparing the Old Covenant with the New, the book of Hebrews tells us: Unlike the [Jewish] high priests, Jesus doesn’t need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his sins, and then for the sins of the people. No, he did this, once for all, when he sacrificed himself. [Hebrews 7:27] It all came […]
Matthew 16:21-28: Jesus Must Go Forth to Die
Whenever Jesus says that He must or has to do something, we should stop and take notice. In our Gospel reading for today, Jesus said, “He must go to Jerusalem and suffer a great deal from the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and that he must be killed and raised on the third day.” When […]
Good Friday Sermon: Isaiah 53:3-7
We live in a market-driven, entertainment-fixated world. Shallow, entertaining sound-bites have replaced deep reflection. And in such a world, Good Friday is not merely a misstep but a different dance altogether: God’s dance of death to give us life. Nothing is entertaining about the cross. Drawing a smiley face on the cross does not change […]
Jesus’ Glory Hidden in His Powerful Word: Luke 23:32-43
We have finally followed Jesus up to the hill called Golgotha, the place of the skull. At the beginning of Lent, Jesus called us to follow Him there, not so we could help Him, but that He would show us His true glory hidden in the cross. But, oh, how deep is the humiliation […]