1 Corinthians 2:1-16: Christ’s Cross Casts Its Beams

The night engulfs the day sky, a blanket descending upon the earth. Death looms in the afternoon, the sun retreating its rays, ashamed by the spectacle. On two rough-hewn beams of wood hang a man who transcends our shadows and frees us from our darkness. Final gasping words pierce the gloom, declaring no sin is […]

Luke 14:25-35: Contemplate the Cross

Often, people picture Jesus as a calm and non-threatening presence whose message uplifts and moves them forward. Oh, He’s the person who welcomes you when you first meet Him. Regardless of being shattered, beat, feeble, or thirsty, He pours drinks for the wounded and weary and offers food to the hungry. Today, our Gospel text […]

Matthew 16:21-28: Your Cross and His Cross

At last, somebody understands Jesus!  Earlier, He tossed this query toward His disciples, “Who do people suppose the Son of Man is?”  Above the others, Peter rose, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”  Happy with the reply, Jesus responds, “You are Peter [petros].  On this rock, [petra, your confession] I will […]

The Wound of Abandonment: Matthew 27:45-48

How many are the wounds that we have inflicted on our Savior during His Passion, His suffering and death!  Together, we have pondered the wounds of betrayal, apathy, denial, and mockery.  We have seen ourselves, our own lives, reflected in Judas, the sleepy three, Peter, and the soldiers. Yet of the wounds that our Lord […]

Mark 9:2-9: Jesus’ Transfiguration

The time for Jesus’ earthly miracles was fading fast.  And soon, His popularity would begin to wane, as well.  For now, we find ourselves at the midpoint of Mark’s Gospel, where Jesus turns His face toward the task of dying and rising.  Jesus begins to teach His disciples that He will have to suffer.  He […]