In the Old Covenant, God called Israel to be a separate and holy people. They were not to intermarry with others, so the false gods and religions of their neighbors […]
Matthew 15:21-28: Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table
Romans 10:5-17: When were you saved?
If you lose the basics, it’s hard to move beyond that. For if the basics aren’t there, when you move to something more advanced, your weakness in the basics will […]
Matthew 14:13-21: Jesus Can Provide
When you hear about Jesus’ disciples doubting His ability to do something, did you ever think, “Why didn’t they get it? Didn’t they know what Jesus could do?” After all, […]
Deuteronomy 7:6-9: God Chooses You
God didn’t inspire the Old Testament so we could dare to be like Daniel, become a manly man like Moses, or lead like Joshua. Of course, when we see how […]
Roman 8:18-27:Prayers of groans too deep for words
On August 31, 1422, King Henry V of England died. Henry V’s one-and-only son, Henry VI, then became king. However, a problem then confronted that island nation in the sea: […]
Matthew 11:25-30: Becoming as Little Children, even Infants
Jesus had been teaching and preaching to His own people. But what did they do? They went on believing what they wanted to believe, thinking they had the last word, […]
St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles
What a daring deed it is to call someone a saint. Saint comes from the Latin word for holy. So, let us speak in clear English today. Today, we celebrate […]
Jeremiah 20:7-13: Chosen to carry God’s Gospel Word
Jeremiah was the weeping prophet. He had the job of speaking God’s Word to an ungrateful people who didn’t want to hear it. And if you’ve read through portions of […]
Matthew 28:16-20: The Holy Trinity
Right now, I’m going to warn you. I’m going to use the word “catholic” a lot in this sermon. That’s because “catholic” is a Lutheran word, even a Christian word! […]
Acts 2:1-21: The Holy Spirit working through the Word
On the day of Pentecost, people gathered because they heard a powerful, mighty wind. And as they gathered, curious about the sound, they saw something astounding. Tongues of fire had […]