To plant a seed, you make a small hole in the ground, put the seed in it, and cover it with soil. But then you have to wait until the […]
Jeremiah 33:14-16: The Righteous Branch is King, Temple, and City
Where do you live? But more than that, what place do you call “home”? Today that may be a murky question to answer. For we live in a mobile society. […]
Deuteronomy 8:1-10: Thanksgiving
It’s tempting for Americans to read Deuteronomy 8 and think that it’s all about us. Moses writes about a good land, “a land with rivers and deep springs flowing forth […]
Matthew 25:1-13: What Faith Does and How It Lives
Hear the Parable of the Ten Virgins. In that parable, Jesus tells us that the women are all “virgins.” That was His way of saying that they were still unmarried. […]
Matthew 9:18-26: Your faith has made you well
Look at what happens when Jesus speaks! Jesus spoke, and a sick woman then had the confidence to touch the hem of His garment. Jesus spoke, and a desperate father […]
Ephesians 6:10-17: The Spiritual War
A 4th-century theologian of the Church, John Cassian, tells a story of a distracted monk. He was mouthing the words of a prayer, but his heart and mind were far […]
All Saints Sermon: Now and Not Yet
Your life as a believer is both now and not yet. You can see what is “now”; you experience that every day. What you can’t see is the “not yet,” […]
Matthew 11:12-19: Reformation Sermon
It’s damned if you and damned if you don’t. That’s our Lord’s lament for today. God had sent John the Baptizer to prepare the way for Jesus. He preached a […]
St. Luke, Evangelist: Luke 10:1-9
The Apostle Paul called Luke a “dear friend, the doctor” (Colossians 4:14). He was one of the four Gospel writers, whom we remember today. But who was he? He was […]
Genesis 28:10-17: Jesus is the Staircase between Heaven and Earth
Jacob escapes and flees to what looks like an ordinary place, on a night like any other. But on this night, he’s running away from his brother, Esau, who has […]