John 20:19-31: Forgive and Retain Sins

Locked doors—the disciples hide behind them in fear.  They fear arrest and execution, for that happened to Jesus.  Why should events be different for them?  His body was missing, and […]

He is risen!

“Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5).  A reasonable question to ask.  What did the women seek, early on that Sunday morning?  They woke up […]

Good Friday: Into Your Hands…

It is the end.  Jesus now prays, “Father, into Your hands I entrust my spirit.”  You may find it surprising: Jesus did not originate that prayer.   In our Lord’s day, […]

Maundy Thursday Sermon: Remembering… for you

Our God is a God of ritual.  He commanded His Old-Covenant people to take part in a yearly ritual: The Passover meal.  In the first Passover, God freed His people […]

Palm Sunday: John 12:12-19: What the Donkey Tells Us

Right now, we have no audio of this sermon to post.  If that changes, the sermon will be uploaded. Perhaps, you delighted in watching the old movie clips.  Perhaps, you […]

Ron and Vashon’s Wedding Homily

Ronald Leach and Vashon Borich were married on March 19, 2016 at Thorncrown Chapel, Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  As you can see, the chapel is beautiful, nestled in the woods. This is […]

Our Lord’s Final Words from the Cross: Finished

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  In clear-cut and dramatic language, the Bible tells us how everything began.  “In the beginning, God created.” What then of […]

Isaiah 43:16-21: Remembering and Forgetting

Old age creeps into our lives, sometimes stealing our memories from us.  Now, we may joke about it, but the humor soon dies away, forgotten as the forgetfulness increases.  How […]

Hebrews 11:1-2, 39-12:2; Luke 15:1-7: Irma is Now Part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses

The secret life of the saints in eternity; the secret life of Irma.  Their life isn’t secret; we’ve just forgotten what it includes.  And when we forget, we shortchange their […]

Our Lord’s Final Words From the Cross: John 19:28-29: Thirst

Dying on the cross, Jesus cries out, “I thirst!” Next to His other cross-borne words, “I thirst” seems insignificant, unremarkable. Unlike His other statements, which rang out with the weightiness […]