The Law God gave to Moses reflected His perfection, restating the Law He imprinted on our hearts when He created us in His image (Romans 2:15). So, if you explore […]
Psalm 27: The Lord is My Light and My Salvation
Christmas Day is past. The multi-colored lights are coming down, and dried-up trees now find themselves in the trash heap. Is the season of Christmas so soon dimmed? The grand […]
John 1:1-14, Revelation 12:1-5: The Cosmic Battle of the Incarnation
Our Lord’s coming in Luke’s Gospel gives us the crèche and the baby’s manger. In John’s Gospel, we, instead, find a cosmic battle tucked within. He mentions no characters by […]
Luke 2:1-20, The Song of the Angels
Christmas night: The night when God’s blessings come to us—and more. They also come to calm our troubled souls. In ages past, long ago, God revealed Himself in a pillar […]
Deuteronomy 18:15-19: Jesus, the Greater Moses
The Ten Commandments always hammer home the same truth. God gave His “Words,” which is what the Hebrew of the Old Testament calls them, at Mt. Sinai, described in Exodus […]
The Canticles of Christmas: Luke 2:25-35, “Simeon’s Song”
Our Lord Jesus comes to His Temple as an infant. He will come many other times: when He is 12 to sit and teach the teachers, in His last week […]
The Canticles of Christmas, Luke 1:67-79: Zechariah’s Song
The people of Israel suffered from amnesia. So do we. When life goes well, we forget our rescue and become complacent. The psalms remind us: “Our fathers in Egypt failed […]
Malachi 3:1-4: Jesus the Refiner
Advent is a season highlighted by holy living. By the Spirit’s help, we meditate on the Word, Jesus Christ, understanding the life He calls us to live. In Advent, we […]
The Canticles of Christmas, Luke 1:46-55: Mary’s Song
How did Mary remember what she never experienced? She is young, a teenager when the angel appears before her. He announces: You will become the mother of the Messiah, the […]
Deuteronomy 26:1-11: Thanksgiving and Thanks-living
Desiccated lips become the desert land, cracking under the unrelenting sky. Her skin begins to blister, stinging red from the blazing sun. The Autumn day scorches the farm field, baking […]