Roman 8:18-27:Prayers of groans too deep for words

On August 31, 1422, King Henry V of England died. Henry V’s one-and-only son, Henry VI, then became king. However, a problem then confronted that island nation in the sea: […]

Augsburg Confession, Articles 22-23

AC XXII: Reception of Christ’s Body and Blood in the Lord’s Supper The laity are given both forms of the Lord’s Supper because this practice is the Lord’s command, “Drink […]

Augsburg Confession, Article 21

AC XXI: Invocation of the Saints Our churches teach that we are to remember the history of the saints so that our faith may be strengthened when we see how […]

Acts, Lesson 7: The Martyrdom of Deacon Stephen

The Church had just established the Office of Deacon to free pastors (at this time, the Apostles) to focus on Word and Sacrament ministry. Deacons assisted the pastor, primarily focusing […]

Matthew 11:25-30: Becoming as Little Children, even Infants

Jesus had been teaching and preaching to His own people. But what did they do? They went on believing what they wanted to believe, thinking they had the last word, […]

Pastor Futrell Receives Call to Serve at St. Paul, Thermopolis

On June 30, 2014 our pastor received a call to serve at St. Paul Lutheran Church at Thermopolis, Wyoming.  This is his letter that he read to our congregation on […]

Augsburg Confession, Articles 19-20

AC XIX: The Cause of Sin Concerning the cause of sin, our churches teach that–although God creates and preserves nature–the cause of sin is located in the will of those […]

Acts, Lesson 6: Persecution from the Jewish Leadership

In last week’s lesson, Ananias and Sapphira had decided to deceive the Apostles and congregation in Jerusalem by stating they sold property for a certain amount, deliberately understating the amount […]

St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles

What a daring deed it is to call someone a saint. Saint comes from the Latin word for holy. So, let us speak in clear English today. Today, we celebrate […]

Acts, Lesson 5: Dissension Within the Ranks

In last week’s lesson, Peter was preaching within the Temple complex. Today, we learn how the Jewish leadership responded, especially the Sadducees. To understand their reaction, we need to know […]