New Year’s Eve Service

Our Annual New Year’s Eve Service is at 5:00 PM on December 31. We will be pondering the past year while also looking ahead to what awaits. Jesus Christ, through Apostle Paul’s words from Romans 8, will be the focus of our Service.

Midweek Advent Services for 2020

“Ancient Echoes from the Mouth of Isaiah” is the 2020 theme for our Midweek Advent Services. Services are on Wednesday, at 1:00 PM. In each, we will explore an ancient prophecy foretelling of the Christ-child. If the Old Testament sometimes seems cryptic for you, this series is for you!

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Our annual Thanksgiving Eve Service is at 6:00 PM, on Wednesday (yes, Thanksgiving Eve). Even in 2020, the year of COVID, we still have much for which to be thankful. Though, following health protocols, we ask those who come to sit six feet from other worshipers.

Church is Reopened

Our Sunday Services and Sunday School are back to “normal,” that is, COVID-19 normal.  Our pastor was under quarantine because he was exposed to the virus during his pastorly duties.  However, his quarantine time is now over (also, he earlier tested negative).  His wife has also tested negative. Adult Sunday School will continue with Acts, […]

Church Cancelled for October 11 (with some internet links)

Both Sunday School and the Divine Service are cancelled for October 11. Four of our parishioners are now positive for the Coronavirus. Our pastor was exposed to three of these parishioners during his pastoral duties. However, he went to be tested and the results came back negative. Nevertheless, his test was too close to his […]

Church Cancelled for October 4th

Due to a recent spike in COVID cases, we have cancelled both Sunday School and Service for October 4th. Locally, cases have increased and two members tested positive for COVID last week. This cancellation is purely a precautionary measure, to help prevent any possible spread. Remember, a person can be contagious before he shows any […]

Starting on September 27, Journey with Us through the Book of Acts

The first time someone stepped into the arena to preach Jesus, he wanted all to understand—this Word of Christ is for everyone!  Such a day, which some christen as the birthday of the Church.  The wind of the Spirit swept down upon Jesus’ disciples.  Atop each person’s head, flames like fire flickered and danced.  Astonished, […]

Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30: Chrestos to Christos to Kerdos

Under house arrest in Rome, Paul can no longer travel. In earlier days, he twice journeyed to Philippi, disembarking at the port of Neapolis. Now, trekking overland, the closer he approaches the city, the more Latin signposts speckle the landscape. Upon entering, wherever Paul turns, Roman Temples and Latin inscriptions fill the eye. The city’s […]

Matthew 18:21-35: 70 x 7

“Up to seven times,” Peter blurts out, stipulating how many times somebody should absolve another.  The Jewish rabbis of his day said someone met this obligation after forgiving three times (Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 86b-87a).  With more than double what these religious men expect, Peter considers himself most charitable.  Why Jesus didn’t mention the offender repented […]

Terri Steven’s Funeral

Terri Stevens is the daughter of Kenneth and Patricia (Tompas) Ditillo. Though she was born in Maryland, she moved here 18 years ago, after living in Spring Hill, FL. She was born on May 1, 1963, and died, for many of us unexpectedly, on September 2, 2020, at 57 years of age. She lived in […]