Intro Matthew 22 and Luke 14 contain two different parables but with similar content and context. So, we will study them together. The setting for The Parable for the Wedding […]
The Parables of Jesus, Lesson 7: The Parables of The Wedding Feast and The Great Banquet
Church History, Lesson 17: Christianity at the Close of the 4th Century
Recap and Intro To help resolve a theological division in the Church, Emperor Constantine hosted the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The Council defined Jesus as homoousios, of the […]
Reformation 5: Romans 3:19-28: By Faith in Christ or by the Faithfulness of Christ
Oh, how ambiguous ambiguity can be! “In my opinion, you will be fortunate if this person will work for you.” Tell me, what can this statement mean? The person is […]
The Parables of Jesus, Lesson 6: The Parable of the Friend at Midnight and Its Lead-Up
Intro and Recap The setting for The Parable of the Good Samaritan was a lawyer wanting to justify himself, asking Jesus to tell him “what he needed to do to […]
Church History, Lesson 16: The Council of Nicaea and an Imperial Christianity
Recap and Intro In 318 AD, Arius, a Libyan-born pastor influenced by Origen, began teaching that Jesus was a creation of God who, at one time, did not exist. A […]
The Reformation, Five Centuries Later
By Pr. Rich Futrell One year passes and another begins, 500-hundred years’ worth since Luther tacked his 95 theses on Wittenberg’s wooden door. Through those statements, he wanted a debate […]
The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 5: The Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37
The Parable within Luke’s Gospel If we remember, we learned a chiasm is a rhetorical device where the author states an idea or ideas and then expresses them again […]
Church History, Lesson 15: Christianity’s First Decade in Freedom
Recap and Intro In 311 AD, Emperor Galerius rescinded his persecution and allowed Christians to rebuild churches. His edict ended the effort to rid the Roman Empire of Christians. From […]
Reformation 3: Jeremiah 29:4-7, Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 22:15-22: The Two Kingdoms, Church and State
Human history is full of people not wanting to fund its government or services. Without both, a nation cannot endure. So, taxes are the costs a country incurs for its […]
The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 4: Loss and Restoration in Luke 15
The Setting for the Three Parables Read Luke 15:1-2 Eating with Sinners Part of Exodus 18:1 reads: “the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.” The Mekilta, Jewish scriptural interpretation, […]