After the Apostle John observed heavenly worship, he saw Jesus, represented as a wounded but victorious lamb, receive a double-sided scroll with seven seals. Revelation then moved into four successive visions of each seal as Jesus breaks each one. And, for the most part, we also see a fairly linear chronology. Seal 1: Mary gives […]
Christian Suffering: Ephesians 3:13-21
Times exist in the life of every Christian where it seems that sorrow will overwhelm the life of faith. Perhaps, death has visited and laid you low. Now, we know from Scripture that we’re not supposed to base our faith on our feelings. For our feelings change from day and day and can even deceive […]
Rejoice in Your Suffering: Romans 5:1-11
Note: This sermon has a quotation from the Apocrypha and treats that quotation from Sirach as Scripture. This is simply how our Confessions treat the Apocrypha. Ref: Ap XXI, 9: “We grant that angels pray for us. For there is a passage in Zechariah 1:12, where an angel prays, ‘O Lord of hosts, how long […]
Called to Suffer: 1 Peter 2:21
Somehow, in some way, a malformed idea has infected the Church. The idea is this: It is that our faith is all about worldly well-being and pleasure. Because of this idea, we have lost our focus on eternity, expecting God to give us heaven on earth. Because of this idea, we’ve given up preaching “Jesus […]