After the Apostle John observed heavenly worship, he saw Jesus, represented as a wounded but victorious lamb, receive a double-sided scroll with seven seals. Revelation then moved into four successive […]
Christian Suffering: Ephesians 3:13-21
Times exist in the life of every Christian where it seems that sorrow will overwhelm the life of faith. Perhaps, death has visited and laid you low. Now, we know […]
Rejoice in Your Suffering: Romans 5:1-11
Note: This sermon has a quotation from the Apocrypha and treats that quotation from Sirach as Scripture. This is simply how our Confessions treat the Apocrypha. Ref: Ap XXI, 9: […]
Called to Suffer: 1 Peter 2:21
Somehow, in some way, a malformed idea has infected the Church. The idea is this: It is that our faith is all about worldly well-being and pleasure. Because of this […]