The Apocrypha, Lesson 19: Sirach, Part 2: The New Testament’s Use of Sirach

Intro Last week, we surveyed the Lutheran Church’s “lovefest” with Sirach.  Today, we do the same but focus our attention on the New Testament. In about 195 BC, “Jesus, son of Eleazar, son of Sira,” a faithful Jew and renown teacher, commonly called “Sirach,” compiled his class lecture notes and reflections.  These would later become […]

The Apocrypha, Lesson 18: Lutheranism’s Love Affair with Sirach

Intro For this first lesson on Sirach, we are breaking protocol.  When your pastor started preparing this lesson, he found an extensive use of Sirach in the history of the Lutheran Church.  So, he decided in the lesson to cover some of Sirach through our Lutheran fathers, continuing with the rest later.   Martin Luther […]

Lamentations 3:22-33: Depression

Depression is a vexing condition. It’s part of that huge array of problems that have afflicted us since our first parents fell into sin. Depression is the result of a sin-corrupted body, a defect in how our brains work, just like the fall into sin also affects how our hearts, livers, and stomachs perform. But […]