AC XXII: Reception of Christ’s Body and Blood in the Lord’s Supper The laity are given both forms of the Lord’s Supper because this practice is the Lord’s command, “Drink of it all of you (Matthew 26:27). Christ has clearly commanded that all should drink from the cup. So no one will quibble and say […]
The Bread of Life You Need
This is our pastor’s latest “From the Pulpit” article for the Stone County Gazette. Do you know one of the saddest events in the Bible? It was when many followers of Jesus rejected Him because He wasn’t the Savior they wanted. It’s in John 6. Jesus had just fed a crowd of 5,000, and […]
The Lord’s Supper: Christ’s Life-Giving Gift, “Often” Received
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for October, 2011. The picture is also of our pastor praying the Proper Preface, which is part of the liturgy for the Sacrament of the Supper. Recently during Sunday School, someone asked this question: “Why don’t we have communion every Sunday since that’s been the Church’s practice from the […]