Two sisters, whom Jesus loves, send word and beg Him to hurry their way. Lazarus grows ill and soon may breathe his last. Despite the urgency, time still runs in its continual coursings. Swift, the sickness rushes in, so slow is the Lord of mercy. So things appear to this family, awash in their anxiety. […]
Mark 9:29-39: How to Understand our Bodies
With His new disciples, beginning their three-year course of instruction, Jesus teaches them, and us, on how to understand our bodies. Now, this isn’t judging your status by the morning mirror’s reflection. No, our Lord tutors us to gaze on our physical bodies through faith-filled eyes. From Him, we learn to judge our well-being and […]
Action, Reaction… Overreaction?
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for May 2016 on the resurrection of the body. We speak of this reality: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In Church history, however, this may be an understatement. For what happens if you define yourself by what you are not, instead of who you are? […]
He is risen!
“Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5). A reasonable question to ask. What did the women seek, early on that Sunday morning? They woke up early to finish Jesus’ burial. He died the Friday before, and the Sabbath arrived too early to prepare His body for the tomb. So, the […]
2 Corinthians, Lesson 7: The Resurrection Encourages Us, even in Our Suffering
Paul and Timothy said that what was happening to them, their suffering and being brought closer to death, made them outwardly seem fragile, like jars of clay. People considered such earthen containers of little value because they held garbage or excrement. Although Paul and Timothy looked like they were of little value, what they brought […]
1 Kings 17: Pointing to Jesus
Jesus says that all, not some, but all the Scriptures testify of Him (John 5:39). And so when we ponder our Old-Testament reading for today, we should ask, “How does Elijah, the widow, and her son point me to Jesus?” But before we go there, let’s review last week’s Old-Testament reading. For today’s Old-Testament reading […]
Matthew 16:21-28: Jesus Must Go Forth to Die
Whenever Jesus says that He must or has to do something, we should stop and take notice. In our Gospel reading for today, Jesus said, “He must go to Jerusalem and suffer a great deal from the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and that he must be killed and raised on the third day.” When […]
Easter: John 20:11-16
It doesn’t matter how many times you face it, it never feels natural. It never feels right. Death always feels wrong. Something inside us doesn’t accept that we will never again hear that voice, see that face, touch that hand, or experience that laughter. The grief counselors can talk until they are blue in the […]