Matthew 2:13-23: Herod’s Futile Rage

The journey began in haste, prompted by an unexpected influx of light and song. Gladsome tidings echo through the countryside as mighty angels appear, heralding Jesus’ arrival as the world’s Savior. So, humble shepherds pay homage to their newborn Lord, falling before Him in worship. Not long after, wise travelers from afar follow the splendor […]

The Story of Esther

Our pastor’s newsletter article for October, 2022. In history’s long arc, the exilers of Jews, Babylon, suffered a humiliating defeat by the Persians in 539 BC. With Jews now free to return home, many still chose not to and remained living within a diaspora. Around 60 years pass, and we learn of a Jewish man, […]

Romans 8:28-39: Bad into Good

The verses before today’s Epistle reading speak of a collaboration between God and His Spirit.  The Spirit intercedes for us, something we should find comforting.  Now, since God understands the Spirit’s mind, what does this tell us?  In all matters, God strives for what is best for those who love Him, as He purposes.  In […]