1 Corinthians, Lesson 24: Worship is to reflect the orderliness of God

Earlier in chapter 14, Paul told the Corinthians Christians to be infants in evil. Paul was pointing out that they were not infants, but adults, when it came to evil. The only negative topic of chapter 14, the evil to which Paul referred, was speaking in unintelligible tongues. Paul was not against speaking in tongues—but […]

Jesus Prophesied in the Old Testament

This lesson came into being from a question asking to see where Jesus was foretold in the Old Testament, but also where we find its fulfillment mentioned in the New. But before we delve directly into what the Scripture writers have foretold, we look at how Jesus Himself understood the Old Testament. This is so […]

Acts, Lesson 12: Gentiles in the Church; the Gift of Prophecy

Peter and the Jewish Christians with him saw God giving the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles. That means that they were full-fledged members of Christ’s Church, the same as the ethnic Jews who believed in Jesus as the Messiah. But growth and change do not always take place smoothly and without incident, which our study […]

Christmas Eve: Isaiah 7:14, “The Virgin will Conceive”

Christmas Eve–it’s finally here.  After all the preparation, the hurry, and the scurry, whether you’ve finished buying presents or not, Christmas is here, for real, tonight.  And soon it will be time for presents! But what if we didn’t get any presents this year?  Would it still be Christmas?  Of course, for, after all, our […]