This is a short series we’re studying on justification, with this first lesson on the objective reality of what Jesus did. Our Universal Condition The book of Romans reveals our universal human condition. The writer, Paul, combines two Old-Testament passages to announce this reality. Masoretic Text Septuagint Romans Paul’s Point Ecclesiastes 7:20 There is none […]
Romans, Lesson 10: Jesus and Adam: One Brings Death, the Other Gives Life
Paul keeps driving home the point that our salvation is God’s doing, not a result of what we do. He earlier described us as being “weak” in relation to God. Getting his foot in the door, Paul’s descriptions of us in our sinful nature then became worse: ungodly (that is, without God) and sinners. If […]
Solus Christus: Christ Alone
What is “Christ Alone”? Our only source of salvation is the life, death, and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Christianity is inclusive because Jesus died for the sins of the entire world; it is also exclusive, for only one way exists to God: Jesus (John 14:6.) “Salvation is found in no one else [Jesus], […]
2 Corinthians, Lesson 8: Being Reconciled with God
Having just said that “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,” Paul and Timothy now point to God’s solution for that coming Day: “Being reconciled with God” on “a day of salvation.” The Law: Fearing the Lord Read 2 Corinthians 5:11 Excursus: Fear of the Lord: The Old-Testament Background God’s […]
1 Timothy, Lesson 3: Faithful Worship—Paul’s Pastoral Instructions to Timothy
Having commanded Timothy to “wage the good war” against the false teaching and teachers, Paul now shifts his focus to the Church and worship, “so you may know how someone should conduct himself in God’s household” (1 Timothy 3:15). The Church in Prayer Read 1 Timothy 2:1a Paul begins this section with a “so […]
Understanding Jesus’ Atonement: Objectively and Subjectively
Instructing adults in the Faith, we are now in question-and-answer period, going over specifics questions that some being instructed have. In this lesson, we look at Jesus’ work to save us objectively (what He did irrespective of the faith one may have) and subjectively (whether one believes what Jesus objectively did for our salvation). […]
Ephesians 1:3-14: Predestination
Today, we hear about a difficult truth in Scripture: Predestination. Predestination is God choosing someone for salvation, even before He created the world. At first blush, that’s sound crazy, doesn’t it? And so, to learn God’s truths about predestination, we must bind our human reason and let God’s divine Word shape our understanding. For if […]