Bringing Gentiles into the Church Recap and Introduction Last week, we followed the Church as she spread to Samaria during Jewish persecution. Christians fled proclaiming Jesus as the world’s Savior from sin and the Deliverer of eternal life. The Church’s first pastors, the Apostles, however, did not flee with the others (Acts 8:1). So, […]
Church History, Lesson 3: The Normalization of Church Practices
2 Corinthians, Lesson 3: An Excursus on Confirmation

This is an excursus that we took on the origins of Confirmation while studying 2 Corinthians. In the last lesson, Paul and Timothy referred to themselves by saying, “God has establishes us with you into Christ and has anointed us” (1 Corinthians 1:21). Their use of “you” shows that the Corinthian congregation was included in […]
Acts, Lesson 20: In Ephesus: Confirmation and Speaking in Tongues

Paul in Ephesus In the last Lesson, we saw Luke hurriedly describe many events in passing (Acts 18:22-23), wanting to bring us to Ephesus. Luke now does that, telling us what took place there with the Apostle Paul. Ephesus was located in what today is the western coast of Turkey. It was the fourth largest […]
Acts, Lesson 15: Paul’s First Missionary Journey, Part 2
Last week, we finished with Paul and Barnabas in Asia Minor on a missionary journey. Today, we continue to learn about the second half of that missionary trip. At Iconium Iconium was the capitol of Lycaonia. In a 2nd-century account, Acts of Paul, an Onesiphorus described what Paul looked like when he met him in […]
Acts, Lesson 8: The Gospel Spreads
In the last lesson, Luke introduced us to Saul, a Pharisee who held the cloaks of those who stoned Deacon Stephen to death. After that introduction, Luke continues to tell us about that man named “Saul.” Luke also tells us about another ordained deacon, Philip. Persecution Begins Read Acts 8:1-3 What began the same […]