Matthew 4:12-25: Where Jesus is Present, the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

At the worst of times, a king and his kingdom can be oppressive, a hierarchical arrangement most unwavering. Authority lies in the hands of one man, his word as the nation’s command. Obedient subjects bow to his every decree. The King’s word is final, and any infraction might punish or banish. At its best, a […]

The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 1, Introduction

What are Parables? To introduce a parable, Jesus often used this phrase, “The kingdom of God is like …”  In a non-parable-like fashion, Jesus revealed the structure of a parable: A comparison.  The term “parable” comes from the two Greek words. “Para,” a preposition meaning “alongside” or “together with,” as in parallel. “Balo,” a verb, […]