As we continue studying the Didache, we find that it does not directly use the Ten Commandments as a guide for Christian behavior (3rd use of the Law). Instead, the Didache continues with Jesus’ summation of the Law: love God and love neighbor. If you were to compare the Didache’s “dos and don’ts,” you would […]
The Didache, Lesson 2: The Two Ways
Lesson 2: The Two Ways (Chapter 1) “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching [didache] and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42 – What could (not is) St Luke be saying about the Didache? When we make our way through the Didache, we will find […]
The Didache, Lesson 1: Introduction
The Didache: Lesson 1, Introduction January 1, 2012 “Didache” (pronounced: dih-dah-KAY) is the Greek word for “doctrine” or “teaching” (as a noun). It has two titles: “The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles,” followed by “The Lord’s teaching to the Gentiles by the Twelve Apostles.” Today, many Christians, including Lutherans, view the Bible as the final […]
The Didache
Starting on January 1st, we will begin a study on the oldest document in the New Testament Church outside of Scripture: The Didache. The Didache was an instruction book for adult Gentile converts coming into a mostly ethnically Jewish Christian Church. It is so ancient that only one of the four Gospels in the New […]