“The two ways—one of life and one of death, and a vast chasm exists between the two” (Didache 1:1). So begins a 1st-century document, meant for Gentile converts entering a Church filled with Jewish Christians. Such are the subjects Dean delighted in learning during my time as his pastor. Today, you will not find yourself […]
Psalm 68:6, Dean Webb’s Funeral Sermon: God Brings Those in the Prison House to Where?
August 16, 2018 by
Dean Webb’s Memorial Service
August 9, 2018 by
The memorial service for Dean Webb will be on Saturday, August 11, 2018, at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Kimberling City, Mo. Roy “Dean” Webb, 81, of Branson West, died Saturday, June 30, 2018. Born on March 28, 1937, in Independence, MO, as the son of Clarence and Carol Crawford Webb, he later […]