1 Peter: Lesson 13: Concluding Encouragement to Shepherd and Flock

Peter begins this section with a “so” or “therefore,” connecting this section to the previous one.  He ended chapter 4 with “Let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.”  Now, Peter explores how pastors are to live out their vocation as they “entrust their souls […]

The Didache, Lesson 6: The Pastor, the Parish, and the Poor

The Didache, chapter 4, instructs us in living together as the Body of Christ, the Church, at a given place.  If the Didache were written today, some of the categories of this chapter would be different.  Nonetheless, the principles of this chapter remain the same. This chapter is separated into different areas. 4:1: Life with […]

What are we to do as a congregation?

What are We to Do? By Pr. Rich Futrell Every Christian congregation has a worship service (if not, it’s not a “church”).  Usually, there’s also some Bible study.  Congregations also have, as part of their congregational lives, funerals, weddings, confirmations, and so on.  But beyond that, what should we do as a congregation?  Apart from […]