1 Corinthians 4:1: Stewards of the Mysteries of God

When Jesus started His New-Covenant Church, fulfilling what came before, He didn’t hand out copies of the Bible and tell people to read it. Neither did He command His Apostles […]

Your Future Reality Invades Your Darkness

Malachi 3:1-4, Philippians 1:3-11, Luke 3:1-6 The name Malachi means “my messenger.” And it’s a fitting name, since that prophet so powerfully spoke about God’s coming messenger. That messenger would […]

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Luke 15:1-7: Joan Botthof’s Funeral Sermon

Jesus told a parable to those who thought they had sealed the deal with God. They didn’t need to repent–they were God’s people. So Jesus told them a parable, a […]

Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 21:29-31: Jesus Ushers in a New Springtime of Life

Although we are now on the cusp of winter, some of us are already looking forward to spring. In our Gospel reading, we heard Jesus speak of spring, when leaves […]

Jeremiah 23:5-8: Jesus, Our True King

A good king is hard to find. In Jesus’ day, if the people of Jerusalem looked at the kings around them, they wouldn’t have found a true king. If they […]

Thanksgiving Sermon: What Faith Is and What Faith Does

Our Old Testament reading had with these words: “Keep the commands of the Lord your God by walking in His ways and fearing Him.” So, how’s that going for you? […]

Matthew 25:31-46: The Hidden Jesus

What’s surprising about the resurrection of the body on the Last Day is that every physical body ever born will rise. Jesus will show to all that He DID take […]

Sermon for Bobbie Hansen’s Funeral: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: Remember the Resurrection

When memory fades and recognition falters, when eyes we love grow dim and minds confused, speak to our souls of love that never alters; speak to our hearts, by pain […]

Matthew 25:14-30: A Talent is What?

In today’s church, especially when dealing with the topic of stewardship, this phrase rolls off our tongue like water: “Time, talents, and treasure.” When we say that, we think that […]

Amos 5:18-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: The Day of the Lord

When we imagine the prophets of old, we often see a fire-and-brimstone preacher breathing out God’s judgment and wrath. And that’s what Amos did in our Old-Testament reading for today. […]