Why We Sing What We Sing in Church

This is our pastor’s article for the July-August 2013 newsletter. One of the deep enigmas in the current-day church is why we sing what we sing.  Few of us have […]

No Thursday midweek Bible classes on June 20th and July 4th

On Thursday afternoon, June 20th, our pastor has a medical appointment.  That’s why we won’t be having class that day. We will, however, still have class on Thursday, June 27th.  […]

Our Pastor is Published in Gottesdienst: The Journal of Lutheran Liturgy

One of our pastor’s sermons was published in the Trinity 2013 issue of Gottesdienst: The Journal of Lutheran Liturgy.  Our pastor originally preached the sermon in the journal for a […]

Luke 15:1-10: Found For a Purpose

When you read the first two chapters of Genesis, you find that after God created something, He always said that it was good.  Well, almost always–the exception is Adam.  After […]

1st Maccabees, Lesson 6: Victory and Consolidation

Judas and his forces were successful is driving out Antiochus’ forces from Jerusalem.  He was also able to restore the Temple for proper worship of God.  What we don’t know […]

Luke 14:15-24: Receiving God’s Invitation

A good father provides for his family.  He doesn’t do this by giving what he likes, or by doing what only happens to be convenient.  No, he provides for his […]

Pastors’ Roundtable

Our pastor was part of Issues Etc. Pastors’ Roundtable on June 6th, 2013.  The discussion was on the Parable of the Invited Guests, Luke 14:15-24. Click here to go to […]

1st Maccabees: Lesson 5, Against the Odds, Israel Succeeds

We see, so far, that Judas is successful as a military leader.  He has used brilliant tactics to bring his war to the Seleucids instead of fighting their war where […]

The Bread of Life You Need

This is our pastor’s latest “From the Pulpit” article for the Stone County Gazette.     Do you know one of the saddest events in the Bible?  It was when many […]

Luke 16:19-31: The Rich Man and Lazarus

Today, we hear Jesus tell us a parable.  Yet, this parable is but the end of a long string of instruction that Jesus gives, so we would unclench the tight-fisted […]