The Story of the Real Santa Claus

The Real Santa Claus by Pr. Rich Futrell The Feast of St. Nicholas is December 6th.  When we remember such a saint of old, we are simply being Christians.  Hebrews 13:7 tells us: “Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s Word to you.”  These leaders aren’t just our current pastors, but the faithful pastors of all […]

Confessing Christ to Someone Near Death

Someone in my parish asked, “Pastor, how do I confess Jesus Christ to someone dying in hospice?”  This is what I shared. With someone in hospice, there’s no need to dance around the subject of death.  Most likely, the person knows something is seriously wrong with him and that he is dying.  See this as an opportunity […]

The False Teaching of the “Rapture”

A Biblical and Historical Look at the “Rapture” By Pr. Rich Futrell, The belief in the Rapture teaches that one day, without warning, Christians will “be taken” up to heaven, while non-Christians will be left behind on the earth.  God will remove Christians from the earth to spare them the Anti-Christ’s tribulation, which the rest […]

The Reformation’s Three “Solas”

The Reformation’s Three “Solas” by Pr. Rich Futrell In this article, we look at how the three “solas” of Lutheran theology were upheld and affirmed in the life of the New Testament Church.  We see how the principles of Lutheranism, properly understood, existed even before the Reformation. Scripture Alone  Often, we think Scripture alone means reading Scripture […]