Evangelism, Lesson 3: Evangelism within One’s Vocations

Intro (by LC-MS pastor Charles Lehmann) It’s Saturday morning.  You’re sleeping in.  It’s the one day each week you have the option.  The doorbell rings.  You throw on your bathrobe and go down to the door.  There are two nice gentlemen standing there.  They want to talk to you about “Jesus.”  You slam the door […]

On Holy Ground

This is our pastor’s next article for the Stone County Gazette.   Moses was in the wilderness watching over his father-in-law’s flock.  That was nothing extraordinary.  But as Moses was working on that ordinary task, something extraordinary took place.  The messenger of the Lord revealed Himself in the flame of fire that burned from a […]

Evangelism, Lesson 2: Busting the Myths

Last week, we went over four Bible passages: Matthew 28:16-20, 1 Peter 3:14-16, Colossians 4:5-6, and Matthew 5:13-16.  Of these four passages, Jesus directed the first to the Eleven, the Apostles, who were the New Testament Church’s first pastors.  Scripture directs the other three passages to all believers and so they apply to all believers. […]

The Top 10 Reasons our Kids Leave Church

On February 8th, a blogger, Mark5solas, posted research he did on why youth are leaving the Church in droves.  He interviewed many twenty-somethings and then wrote down what his research revealed. Yet, his research is more than intriguing.  For what he found has been going on for a long time (for example, how many of […]

Broken, Lesson 8: Worship of Self

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book.   Never follow a rule to justify yourself. Seriously The 7th rule every Christian should break as often as possible is this: The worship of yourself.   Seven Degrees of […]

Broken, Lesson 7: Freedom

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book. Never follow a rule that doesn’t like rules The 6th rule every Christian should break as often as possible is this: Freedom.   Idol Addiction The Bible talks about sin […]

Broken, Lesson 6: Churchology

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book. Never follow a rule that has to start over (again and again . . . and again . . . ) again. The 5th rule every Christian should break as […]

Broken, Lesson 5: Prosperity

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book. Never follow a rule because it benefits you now   The 4th rule every Christian should break as often as possible is this: “You can find God in this world: […]

Living Despite the Past that Haunts You

This is our pastor’s newsletter article for February 2013.   Few know his real name.  To most, he is simply TJ.  I have no idea why.  But TJ is a man older than my years, a bit slow upstairs, having suffered brain trauma from childhood abuse.  He has a sincere, plain way of speaking.  And when […]

Broken, Lesson 4: Rationalism

These are a series of lessons adapted from Jonathan Fisk’s book, Broken.  All are encouraged buy Broken to get the full content in the book. Never follow a rule just because it makes sense (especially if it promises to work because it makes sense) The third rule every Christian should break as often as possible […]