In chapter 5, we see Judas weaken the Gentile forces surrounding him while strengthening and consolidating his Jewish population base. But he still doesn’t have full control around Jerusalem. We see that in today’s lesson. The Death of Antiochus Epiphanes: 1 Maccabees 6:1-17 Read 1 Maccabees 6:1-4 – From what Antiochus tried to do, what […]
Exodus, Lesson 1: Introduction to the Birth of Moses
Title The title “Exodus” comes from the Greek translation of the Old Testament called the Septuagint. Exodus means “departure” or “going out.” It has that title because it covers Israel’s departure from Egypt to the time when the Israelites finished building the Tabernacle, the place where God would reveal Himself to His people in the […]
Properly Formed New-Covenant Worship
Our True Citizenship 1 Peter 1:1-2: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ: To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father and set apart by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood. Hebrews 11:13: […]
1st Maccabees, Lesson 6: Victory and Consolidation
Judas and his forces were successful is driving out Antiochus’ forces from Jerusalem. He was also able to restore the Temple for proper worship of God. What we don’t know is the response to these events. That’s what we find out today. Read 1 Maccabees 5:1-8 The Edomites were the descendants of Esau. They are […]
1st Maccabees: Lesson 5, Against the Odds, Israel Succeeds
We see, so far, that Judas is successful as a military leader. He has used brilliant tactics to bring his war to the Seleucids instead of fighting their war where larger numbers of forces and cavalry would destroy him and his forces. Lysias vs. Judas (1 Maccabees 4:26-35) Read 1 Maccabees 4:26-27 – How is […]
1st Maccabees, Lesson 4: It’s Now a Real War
In the last lesson, we heard Mattathias tell Judas to become the military leader of the revolt against the Seleucids. The transition went smoothly and Judas began to lead. Read 1 Maccabees 3:1-9 1st Maccabees then breaks out into poetry again, but this time to praise Judas. He extended the honor of his people, […]
1st Maccabees, Lesson 3: The Revolt Begins with Mattathias
To learn about Mattathias, we need to learn about Joarib. Joarib (spelled Jehoiarib in 1st Chronicles) was part of the 24 priestly divisions that served at the First Temple, which Solomon had built (1 Chronicles 24:7). After the Babylonian exile, Joarib (no doubt from the Joarib priestly division) was a priest who was one of […]
1st Maccabees, Lesson 2: Events Leading Up to the Maccabean Revolt
Historical Backdrop: 1:1-9 Read 1 Maccabees 1:1-9 These verses give the background, as a review to the reader, for the events that will follow. This book was written for Jews, and so it should not surprise us when it uses Old-Testament terminology. For instance, “Kittim” points back to the capital of Cyprus (Genesis 10:4 and […]
1st Maccabees, Lesson 1: Introduction
Why the Apocrypha When we consider studying a book from what we call the Apocrypha, why should we do so? After all, when we look at our Bible translations, those books are missing from our English-language Bibles and have been so for about 200 years. Are those books part of the Bible? If so, then […]
No “I” in the Gospel
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for April, 2013. The Lutheran school teacher asked her student, “Why are you saved?” John answered, “Because I believe.” That did not satisfy the teacher. So she asked another student. Paula then raised her hand and said, “I’m saved because I believe in Jesus.” But the teacher didn’t […]