In this lesson, we only covered 1 Corinthians 10:8. A good discussion took place about the implications of Paul’s line of thinking on communion at the Lord’s Table. We’ll continue, Deo Volente!, with the rest of 1 Corinthians Chapter 10 net week. Paul continues to deal with the issue of whether it’s okay to eat […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 14: Learning from Old-Covenant Israel
Paul continues to deal with the issue of whether it’s okay to eat the meat that was earlier sacrificed to idols. Paul used himself as an example to show how he understood Christian freedom: It was not to serve the self, the view that some in Corinth had taken, but to build up the body […]
How We Got the New Testament
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for April, 2015. It follows last month’s article, “How We Got the Old Testament,” which you can read by clicking here. ——— The Early Church Last month, we looked at how we got the Old Testament. The Church met in council to state which books were Scripture because three traditions […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 13: Christian Freedom
Paul continues to deal with the issue of whether it’s okay to eat the meat that was earlier sacrificed to idols. Last week, we saw Paul deal directly with that issue. This week, he begins by using himself and other pastors as an example to help them learn to balance Christian freedom in light of […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 12: It’s Not About “Rights”
Paul is viewing life based on the reality that Christ could return at any time. Jesus’ birth, death, and ascension into heaven means that God has accomplished everything needed for Jesus’ return. That’s why Paul says, “The present form of this world is passing away” (1 Corinthians 7:31). Paul now applies that same worldview to […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 11: Celibacy—More Than What You Think
Like last week, we still find ourselves within a flow of thought taking place within a chiasm: A 7:1-16 Sex relating to those who are or have been married . B 7:17-24 Being content in your callings A’ 7:25-40 Sex relating to those not now married This week, we look at remaining in […]
How We Got the Old Testament
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for our March 2015 edition of our newsletter. In it, he leaves much out to keep the article a usable length. So, the article is not “bullet proof,” but it does, on the main, cover why the Old Testament contains the books that it does. ———- In this article, we’ll explore how […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 10: Remaining with God Wherever You Are
We still find ourselves within a flow of thought that takes place within a chiasm: A 7:1-16 Sex relating to those who are or have been married . B 7:17-24 Being content in your callings A’ 7:25-40 Sex relating to those not now married The main point Paul is making is to be content where […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 9: Marriage and Divorce; the Gift of Celibacy and Sexuality
Paul still continues to deal with the topic of sexuality, but now within the context of marriage. We find that 1 Corinthians chapter 7 is in a chiastic structure: A 7:1-16 Sex relating to those who are or have been married . B 7:17-24 Being content within one’s vocation A’ 7:25-40 Sex relating to those […]
Acts: Lesson 27: Proceedings against Paul Take Place within the Roman Legal System
Lysias, the tribune (chiliarchos, commander of a 1,000), had arrested Paul because of the ruckus surrounding him with the Jews. At first, he tried to get the Sanhedrin to settle the matter with Paul. After all, as far he could tell, the row was over religious matters, of which he knew little and would have […]