We finished with Paul speaking about the requirements for a man to serve as a deacon. What seemed unusual was that Paul had theological requirements for a man to be a deacon, but not to be an overseer! Deacons were to hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience, which is knowing […]
Jesus in the Old Testament
This is our pastor’s article for our July congregational newsletter, helping us to see Jesus in the Old Testament. ———— While speaking to “the Jewish leaders [who] were trying all the harder to kill him,” Jesus said: “You pore over the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. These Scriptures testify of me” […]
Luke 15:1-2, 11-32: The Prodigal Son
The Pharisees were grousing against the outrageousness of God’s grace. “This man [Jesus] receives sinners and eats with them.” Now, that’s wonderful news for you and me—if we see ourselves as sinners. It also would’ve been splendid news for the Pharisees—if they would’ve be honest enough to admit that they were sinners, too. So, Jesus […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 24: Worship is to reflect the orderliness of God
Earlier in chapter 14, Paul told the Corinthians Christians to be infants in evil. Paul was pointing out that they were not infants, but adults, when it came to evil. The only negative topic of chapter 14, the evil to which Paul referred, was speaking in unintelligible tongues. Paul was not against speaking in tongues—but […]
1 Timothy, Lesson 5: Pastors and Deacons
At the end of 1 Timothy chapter 2, Paul covered the role of men and women during worship, pointing to fall into sin as the reason men and women have different roles. Paul’s point was that our differing roles point backward to our fall into sin and, thus, our need for redemption. And although both […]
Luke 14:15-24: Come, for the Feast is Prepared!
It’s a sight to behold! The table is creaking, laden with a load of food, all ready to be eaten. You can see baked fowl, roasted beef, a rack of lamb, fruits, bread, fresh vegetables, sauces for dipping, and wine for pouring. And more than that, the host of that banquet has lovingly prepared that […]
1 Corinthians, Lesson 23: Seek the Understandable Word, not Intelligible Sounds
Starting with chapter 12, Paul has dealt with the topic of spiritual gifts, which many in the congregation at Corinth were abusing. Last week, Paul focused on the greatest expression of the Holy Spirit’s work in someone: agape love. He now revisits the proper use of “the Spirituals,” focusing on speaking the Word (prophecy) and […]
Genesis 2:18-24: 50th Wedding Anniversary Service for Bob and Karen Sands
The next time you want to hear a good love story, you don’t have to rent a “chick flick” DVD or watch it on Netflix. Neither do you have to buy one of those romance novels that you find at the drugstore. Just read the Old Testament. There, you’ll find some of the most dramatic […]
1 Timothy, Lesson 4: Roles of Men and Women in the Church
Having shared with Timothy the proper content and purpose of prayer during worship (2:1-7), Paul now discusses the proper role of men and women during worship (2:8-10), which then segues into the topic on women teaching (2:11-15). In the beginning of chapter 2, what Paul said about prayer was his request (2:1). Now his words […]
Isaiah 6:1-7: “Holy! Holy! Holy!” to the Holy Trinity
Isaiah was having a bad day. He was in the Temple, offering the daily burnt sacrifice for the sins of Israel. It was a straightforward task, no different from the many other times that he had stood before the Lord’s altar. Isaiah had years of practice being a priest. Making such sacrifices, for him, may […]