When we look at how life is going, we often see it as a series of good days and bad days. For our lives are full of both. And when we have a bad day, we look forward to when life will turn around and get better. We think, “It can’t get any worse; I […]
2 Corinthians, Lesson 16: Do Everything According to “The Rule”
Paul and Timothy continue dealing with the false “super-apostles,” who have swayed some in the Corinthian congregation with their false teaching. Comparing and Contrasting Real Pastors with False Ones Read 2 Corinthians 10:12 What do Paul and Timothy say they are not doing when it comes to these false teachers? “classify or compare”: […]
2 Corinthians: Lesson 15: Tearing Down, if Needed, but only to Build Up
We now find the warm and friendly tone of 2 Corinthians 8-9 change. Having dealt with the misunderstandings between the Corinthians and he and Timothy (1:12-7:16), and having requested the Corinthian congregation to participate in the collection for the Jerusalem saints (8:1-9:15), Paul now focuses on the unrepentant minority who have embraced the “super-apostles” (11:13). […]
Christmas Around the World: A Musical Programme
Our Christmas program for the community is “Christmas Around the World: A Musical Programme.” It will include Christmas carols from around the world with plenty of Christmas-carol singing. As a special treat, we will also have cookies and sweets to eat, baked from recipes around the world. The program will be at 3:00 PM on Sunday, […]
Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6: Faith Receives What God Wants to Give
To plant a seed, you make a small hole in the ground, put the seed in it, and cover it with soil. But then you have to wait until the seed germinates, for until then, there’s nothing that you can see. And so a planted seed gives us a beautiful picture of faith. Waiting for […]
Genesis 3:1-15: The Promised Seed and Serpent-Crusher
Everyone has a family tree. And when you know who’s in your family tree, you get a better sense of your family, and how that shaped your mother and father. And that, in turn, even lets you know something about yourself. But does it surprise you to know that God also has a family tree? […]
Jeremiah 33:14-16: The Righteous Branch is King, Temple, and City
Where do you live? But more than that, what place do you call “home”? Today that may be a murky question to answer. For we live in a mobile society. Almost all of you grew up somewhere else and moved here. Most of your children don’t live here. Our mobile society keeps us moving—and often […]
2 Corinthians, Lesson 14: God the Source and God the Receiver
Christian giving flows from God’s grace changing us by the Gospel. Flowing from Christ’s gifts to us, the Christian gives as he is able. This flows from grace, not guilt. Yes, the Law makes us aware of how God wants us to live, but it’s the Gospel and empowers and moves us to do so. […]
Deuteronomy 8:1-10: Thanksgiving
It’s tempting for Americans to read Deuteronomy 8 and think that it’s all about us. Moses writes about a good land, “a land with rivers and deep springs flowing forth into the valleys and hills.” He writes of a land of wheat, barley, and many others foods. But wait, there’s more. Moses also says that […]
The Value of Patient Endurance
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for the December 2015-January 2016 edition of our congregational newsletter. Recently, we’ve had some discussion about singing Christmas hymns during Advent. Advent is from the first Sunday after Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. Christmas is from December 25 to January 6. So, we’ll still let Advent be Advent, a season […]