Today, Scripture came to us and told us of a woman, a generous one. She expressed a deep devotion and affection toward Jesus in her generosity, by anointing His feet with expensive perfume. Her story is relational. Jesus loves her, and she responds with a deep love for Him. Her story is inclusive, for Jesus […]
Psalm 30: Weeping may lodge for the night, but joy comes in the morning
How well did you sleep well last night? Were you interrupted by some unexpected “visitor”? Someone or something came to you in the early hours of the morning. You tossed and turned, and sleep become a distant memory, even a stranger to you. This nighttime intruder is sinister. He wakes you up and worms his […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 10: A Theology of Praise
We take a one-lesson excursion from our look into prayer into praising God (which also involves prayer). Last week, a question was asked about what it means to praise God. I answered, but I do not think I answered the question fully. So, here we go! Praising God Begins with God Being Present for […]
Galatians 1:1-10: Don’t turn what God does for you into what you do for Him
Paul begins Galatians by burning down the barn. “What in the world is wrong with you? You’re deserting God, who called you to be His people! You turned away from the Gospel, allowing others to confuse you and lead you away from the truth!” Words of fire explode off the page. A righteous anger burns […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 9: Christian Prayer, Pt. 3
We now look further into prayer, looking at specific verses that help shape our life of prayer. Fervent Prayer The traditional wording of James 5:16 is this: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” This has fostered in some that if your prayer isn’t fervent enough (with intensity, with genuine heart-felt passion), […]
The Lutheran Church and Purgatory, Pt. 1
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for the June 2016 issue of our congregational newsletter. Last month, we looked the body’s resurrection and the intermediate state of our souls being in heaven until Jesus calls forth our bodies on the Last Day. The Roman-Catholic Church also believes in an intermediate state of existence for heaven-bound […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 8: Christian Prayer, Pt. 2
Last week, we looked at the Lord’s Prayer as a model prayer and a prayer to say verbatim. Today, we continue looking into why we pray when our Father knows what we need ever before we pray—and other topics. Why Pray? “Grace Alone” Jesus doesn’t command prayer (just like He doesn’t command helping the […]
John 8:48-59: Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity
The Trinity is all over the Scriptures. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis describes God the Father speaking the Word as the Spirit hovered over the waters of the deep. In the last book of the Bible, Revelation describes the Lamb, Jesus, who was slain but now alive. He sits enthroned at the […]
Acts 2:38: Pentecost Today = Preaching and Delivering Forgiveness
Fifty days after Jesus rose from the dead, ten days after He ascended, 120 Christians huddle together. They wait for Jesus, for Him to fulfill His promise to send the Spirit. Without warning, a mighty wind, the breath of God, fills the room where they wait. They look and see moving, flickering tongues of fire […]
Our Life with God, Lesson 7: Christian Prayer
If we want to know about Christian prayer, then we turn to the Christ, who gave us His prayer. Read Matthew 6:5-6 When Jesus says, “When you pray,” what does He assume is part of His disciples’ lives? What does Jesus NOT want our prayers to become? Read Matthew 6:7-8 “empty phrases”: Greek, […]