The Apocrypha, Lesson 17: The Wisdom of Solomon, Part 3

Intro We earlier learned Jesus is Wisdom incarnate.  The Church understood the Apocrypha book of Wisdom to foretell Christ’s coming (“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel).  Today, we continue exploring what this book has for us to learn.   We Make Our False Idols so We Can Do What We Want In Acts 15, the Church’s […]

Church History, Lesson 7: The Beginning of the Rise of Rome

  Introduction History teaches us the Apostle Peter was the first recognized Bishop of Rome, though Paul did precede him as acting bishop while under house arrest.  The sources are silent, however, about Peter’s years in Rome, since he only served a short time before being martyred in 64 AD. The first leader to come […]

The Apocrypha, Lesson 16: The Wisdom of Solomon, Part 2

Intro Last week, we stopped at the end of chapter 6.  Today, we pick up, exploring select verses of Wisdom.   Wisdom Described and the Christ to Come Remember, “wisdom” is a feminine-gendered word the Greek, so “she” is used to describe “her/him/it” irrespective of whom or what “she” refers. Wisdom 7:23-24, 8:1: 23 Wisdom […]

Luke 19:41-48: The Thresher, the Threshing Floor, and the Temple

A threshing floor is a violent place, of division and separation.  A farmer takes the cultivated harvest and casts the grain stalks on to a compacted floor.  Sinewy muscles stretch and strain, beating and separating the seed’s outer bran from the starchy inside.  Now, if wealthier, an ox will trudge through this crushing task, not […]

Church History, Lesson 6: Christianity becomes Illegal

The Great Fire of Rome, 64 AD Backdrop The Roman Empire enabled Christianity to spread without the effort needed in earlier centuries.  The Empire’s unifying infrastructure aided the Gospel’s expansion of the Gospel: well-laid roads made travel easier, most people spoke Greek, and a mighty army kept the peace.  An Empire runs on unity and […]

Church History, Lesson 5: The Didache, Pt. 2

Baptism The Didache now moves into what brings someone into the community (communion) of Christ: Baptism.  7:1 As for baptism, baptize in this way: After explaining all these things, baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in living [moving, running] water.  2 But if you do not have […]

The Apocrypha, Lesson 15: The Wisdom of Solomon, Part 1

Intro Author: The Lutheran Study Bible Apocrypha writes: “The obvious Greek style and philosophical influences make it clear that the Hebrew king Solomon did not write the book.”  Now, this does not mean that what is in Wisdom is not linked in some way to the teachings of Solomon. Date: 30-10 BC. The Church’s Historical […]

The Value of the Hebrew and Greek Old Testaments

This is our pastor’s newsletter article for the September 2017 edition of “The Shepherd’s Voice.”   The Value of the Hebrew and Greek Old Testaments By Pr. Rich Futrell Today, we have two primary Old Testaments: The Hebrew, called the “Masoretic Text,” and the Septuagint, a Greek-language translation, whose manuscripts predate the Masoretic Text by […]

Jeremiah 23:16-29: Live in the Truth

Still in the insecurity of your childhood, running through the house.  Crash!  A prized piece of your mother’s fine porcelain lay broken on the floor.  A few moments later, words are flying from your mouth on how you didn’t break your mom’s china. The contrived deception now spins its web around you, in your mind […]

The Apocrypha, Lesson 14: 2 Maccabees and Purgatory

Recap After we had looked into prayers for the sainted dead in 2 Maccabees, one person in class wanted to explore the verse that followed.  Your teacher tactfully avoided doing so to keep the Lesson on task.  Today, to honor this person’s august wishes (it is August, after all!), we delve deeper in to what […]