Our annual German Dinner is here! When: Saturday, October 21. Time: 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Where: Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church’s multipurpose building, 71 Kimberling Blvd, Kimberling City. (The first building you’ll notice when driving into our church parking area.) For your culinary delight, the menu includes: Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Potato salad, Apple rings, Bread, Drinks […]
Church History, Lesson 14: The Rise of Monasticism
Recap and Intro When Valerian became Emperor in 257 AD, he began the first Empire-wide persecution of Christians. Cyprian, the Bishop of Carthage, was sent into exile. The next year, Valerian ordered all Christian clergy to be killed. So, Cyprian was brought out of exile and beheaded in Carthage on the 14th of September. The […]
Reformation 2: 2 Kings 5:1-3, 9-14; Romans 6:1-4; John 3:1-6, 16: Baptism
A Syrian commander, a well-respected military leader, who won the respect of his King. Still, something can come along in your life and undo much of what you built up over the years. Such is Naaman. For a fearsome affliction—leprosy—now overshadows his imposing warfighting skills and combat prowess. To protect others from the infectious contagion, […]
The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 3
Recap and Intro Last week we went over The Parable of the Sower. Jesus explained the parable to His disciples: All the seed sown on three of the four soils eventually died. However, “what was sown on good soil refers to the one who hears the word, accepts it, and produces a crop” (Matthew 13:23). […]
Church History, Lesson 13: Christianity in North Africa, Part 3
Cyprian (200-258 AD) Intro Much had changed since Tertullian’s time. Being a Christian was still a crime, but by 240 AD, someone needed to talk to an older adult to hear stories of the martyrs. An unofficial peace had existed for 40 years between the Roman Empire and the Christians in North Africa. Raised as […]
Reformation 1: Isaiah 55:10-13, 1 Peter 1:22-25, John 1:1-5, 14: The Word
“Now, if I told you once, I told you a thousand times.” A dressing-down entwines itself in those words. Often, we scold children through this warning, with an explanation trailing behind. “Don’t play in the street.” “Do your homework before turning on the TV.” The overstatement of “1,000” clatters out the parent’s frustration. From afar, […]
The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 2
Recap and Intro A parable is a comparison, from the Greek “para,” meaning as “in parallel” and “balo,” meaning “to cast.” Through a parable, the speaker casts a net or line to reveal something hidden through what is known. Even so, Jesus told His disciples, “The secrets of the kingdom of heaven are given for […]
Church History, Lesson 12: Christianity in North Africa, Part 2
The Writing Down of What Was Handed Down Intro Tertullian (160-225 AD), the first Latin Church Father, provided us with much of our Church language and ways of thinking. He also helped set up an idea of perfectionism, sometimes treating forgiveness as a possible excuse to sin, foremost in matters of marriage and fornication. Today, […]
Matthew 6:24-34: Seek First …
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob rescued His people from Egypt, protected them through the sea, and led them through the wilderness. On manna formed from the dew and quail, which flew in, the people feasted. Still, they griped, and their appetites remained unquenched. Released from slavery and fed on God’s miracle bread, they […]
The Parables of Jesus: Lesson 1, Introduction
What are Parables? To introduce a parable, Jesus often used this phrase, “The kingdom of God is like …” In a non-parable-like fashion, Jesus revealed the structure of a parable: A comparison. The term “parable” comes from the two Greek words. “Para,” a preposition meaning “alongside” or “together with,” as in parallel. “Balo,” a verb, […]