In many ways, our lives are all about knowing God. For this to be, we must understand Jesus, God’s Son, as God incarnate, for “no one comes to the Father […]
The Apostles’ Creed, Lesson 1
What is a Creed? Creed comes from the Latin word credere, meaning “to believe.” Our English word “credible” comes from credere, meaning what someone says is believable. So, a creed […]
Jonah 1:1-17: The God Hidden within Creation
“The Word of the Lord,” coming from God Himself, changes what a person receives, from the normal into the supernatural. No longer are words only sound waves. For when something […]
Amos 9:11-15: The Real Celebration
The shout goes out, “The party’s over!” The last call for alcohol is now past, and the barkeep is locking the door. Perhaps, the fat lady is concluding her song. […]
Walking and Working in our Wilderness
The season of Epiphany begins with an underhanded Herod and the visit of the “wise men,” Magi, to the infant Jesus. In a way, Herod is like the Pharaoh of […]
Church Activities Cancelled for January 20
All Church activities are cancelled for January 20, 2019 because of forcasted weather and icy roads. We recommend for you to stay home, keep warm, and only venture out when […]
Luke 2:41-52: Where is Jesus?
A fascinating account! The only reliable report of Jesus from the time He returned from Egypt until almost three decades later, when He began His public ministry. To Jerusalem, His […]
Luke 2:33-40: A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul, O Mary
A maiden mother brings God, pulsing with blood and moving with muscle, into this world. From her womb, the Lord formed for Himself a human frame. More than any other […]
Exodus 40:17-21,34-38; John 1:14: Christmas Day
To free His people from slavery, God gives them His Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Every year after, so these reclaimed of God don’t forget, He tells them […]
Luke 2:1-20: Christmas Eve
With all the pandemonium and turmoil, no worse time can come for a holy birth. Think of the upheaval a census will cause throughout the Roman world. Every person not […]