The life-changing announcement from the angel Gabriel stuns Mary, as she staggers in shock. Rejoice, favored one! The Lord is with you. Don’t be afraid, Mary, for God honors you. Listen, you will conceive and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. For he will be mighty and will be called the […]
Our Lord’s Final Words from the Cross: John 19:25-27: Sons and Mother
Perhaps, you’ve been there. Few events stamp themselves into your memory with such force. To be present when a loved one dies is a powerful experience. When grief grabs you in such a holy moment, it defies description. Your throat constricts, your chest tightens, and breathing becomes a labor. Even when death […]
What are We to Make of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary?
What are we to make of the traditional Lutheran position that Mary remained a virgin her entire life? This short theological pondering from Pastor Futrell helps us look at this teaching with historic eyes. From the time of Martin Luther’s excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church taught and believed that Mary […]