John 11:17-27, 38-53: The God Who Cries at Funerals

Though uncommon to our ears, in times past, the Church delighted in describing Jesus as a “lover.”  Today, we might find this as odd, perhaps perverted, as word meanings shift and change, and “lover” now refers to one’s sexual partner.  Ah, but the word “lover” can contain so much more! The root for “lover” is […]

Easter: John 11:25: I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Never more to die, Jesus now lives!  Now, the sunrise of Easter shines upon us, sending away the somber mood of Lent.  All is now different because Jesus struck down the walls of death’s fortress.  The cross now beams with a brilliant light.  All sadness mutes as the music of our consolation and well-being trumpet […]