Jeremiah 1:4-10: Uproot to Plant

Jeremiah writes, “The Word of the Lord came to me.” He’s describing his call to preach. For a man doesn’t call himself to be God’s preacher. “The Word of the Lord came to me.” The Lord deals with us through His Word. He doesn’t let us choose what His Word says, so we can tell […]

2 Corinthians, Lesson 4: The Change in Travel Plans

Last week, we explored Paul and Timothy’s use of a chiasm to mention that God seals and anoints His people in the New Covenant. We explored that and saw that such sealing and anointing was what the Church later came to call “confirmation.”   Explanation for 2 Corinthians Paul earlier explained why he and Timothy […]

2 Corinthians 3:4-11: The Letter Kills but the Spirit Gives Life

When someone reads the Bible, it’s easy for him to misidentify the person or people a text may reference. For example, in today’s epistle reading, we heard the word “we.” Did that “we” refer to the Corinthian congregation? Does that “we” refer to you? So, let’s take a moment to find out who that “we” […]

Luke 24:44-53: Preaching Repentance into the Forgiveness of Sins

It’s easy to think of Jesus ascending into heaven as His goodbye to His people. But that isn’t so. Jesus’ ascension wasn’t a goodbye, even though we who live in this world see Him no more. Ascension wasn’t an ending, or even a time to be sad. But neither was Christ’s ascension a convenient way […]

God’s Law and Gospel: 2 Corinthians 3:4-11

The Christian faith is a matter of God’s revealed, life-creating and life-changing truth.  In matters eternal, research and scholarship can only offer added insight or information.  For research and scholarship cannot give eternal life.  It is God’s Spirit working through Word and Sacrament that give us such life. The Apostle Paul and Pastor Timothy tell […]