After the Apostle John observed heavenly worship, he saw Jesus, represented as a wounded but victorious lamb, receive a double-sided scroll with seven seals. Revelation then moved into four successive visions of each seal as Jesus breaks each one. And we also see a fairly linear chronology. Seal 1: Mary gives birth to Jesus. Satan […]
Revelation, Lesson 3: Prologue
Prologue Read Revelation 1:1-3 – In what way does the information from the visions in Revelation come to us? Is it primarily literal or by way of signs? (vs. 1) – What is the sequence of how the information comes to us in Revelation? – In verse 3, we see a sequence of […]
2 Peter 3:8-14: Be spotless, blameless, and at peace with God
This is a confessional address, which is much shorter than a typical sermon. The service today was a confessional service in preparation to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in His holy Supper. Following the service was our Altar Guild’s “Hanging of the Greens” ceremony. ————- About 200 years after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, a man […]