To confront the Gentile sin of license, Paul wrote that God will judge everyone impartially, even that His impartiality is a character of His righteousness (Romans 2:6-11). Of course, Paul earlier taught that God’s righteousness is our salvation (Romans 1:16-17). So, God has the cure for what ails us. If we stand before God based […]
Romans: Lesson 5: The Remnant of God’s Instruction in the Fallen Heart and the Jewish Failure at Rome
August 27, 2016 by
Romans: Lesson 4: God Gives Salvation but also Judges
August 20, 2016 by
Paul is dealing with both Jewish works-righteousness and Gentile sinful license. Against works-righteousness, he drew from Isaiah 51, affirming that salvation IS the righteousness of God. Against sinful license, he adapted from the Apocrypha book of Wisdom as a foil to confront sin: If pagans have no excuse before God, how much more so for […]