Jesus, Still Flesh of Our Flesh and Bone of Our Bone: Luke 24:39-49

How do you know that something is true?  That’s a crucial question these days, especially when truth looks as if it is becoming an endangered species.  Sometimes, we think that science is the way to get to the truth.  That’s why we often find the phrase, “Studies have shown” to be persuasive.  Although you may […]

Easter: John 20:11-16

It doesn’t matter how many times you face it, it never feels natural.  It never feels right.  Death always feels wrong. Something inside us doesn’t accept that we will never again hear that voice, see that face, touch that hand, or experience that laughter.  The grief counselors can talk until they are blue in the […]

Easter Sermon: Matthew 28:1-10

Could there be a more glorious day than this?  For this day, the day of Jesus’ resurrection, will blaze forever in its glory and beam forth the light of heaven.  Indeed, this day, the day of Jesus’ resurrection, is by far the most glorious day of all time.  For Christ is risen!  He is risen, […]

Easter Services

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church is having two services celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord.  Both are on Easter Sunday, April 24th.  The first service is at 7:00 AM; the second is at 10:30.  Between both services, we will be having an Easter breakfast. Come and be fed in Word and Sacrament as our […]