We finished with Paul speaking about the requirements for a man to serve as a deacon. What seemed unusual was that Paul had theological requirements for a man to be a deacon, but not to be an overseer! Deacons were to hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience, which is knowing […]
1 Timothy, Lesson 4: Roles of Men and Women in the Church
Having shared with Timothy the proper content and purpose of prayer during worship (2:1-7), Paul now discusses the proper role of men and women during worship (2:8-10), which then segues into the topic on women teaching (2:11-15). In the beginning of chapter 2, what Paul said about prayer was his request (2:1). Now his words […]
Acts, Lesson 6: Persecution from the Jewish Leadership
In last week’s lesson, Ananias and Sapphira had decided to deceive the Apostles and congregation in Jerusalem by stating they sold property for a certain amount, deliberately understating the amount they had received. After that fear-inducing event, Luke takes us to see what is going on with the Apostles in Jerusalem, in particular, Peter. […]
St. Stephen, Deacon, Martyr
Intro We have an old 13th-Century Christmas carol, later paraphrased in the 1850s, called “Good King Wenceslaus.” King Wenceslaus was a real person. In the 10th century, he was the Duke of Bohemia. He was also a devout Christian. One morning, on his way to the Divine Service, a band of ruffians, led by his […]