Light Shining in the Darkness

God’s first creation is light. God spoke and light, at once, shone into the black empty void (Genesis 1:2). After, He separated the light from the darkness, marking days and creating time. After Adam’s fall, sin shattered this peace in a rebellion against God, who brought this world into existence. Bereft of sparkle and life, […]

The “Lament” Psalms, Lesson 6: Psalm 88

Structure Psalm 88 is the darkest of all the psalms, a prayer for help, ending without resolution.  The psalmist cries out, with images providing an unflinching view of someone who feels as if God has not only abandoned him but is even behind his predicament. Psalm 88 has three sections: The first (vs. 1-8) and third […]

1st John, Lesson 1

Introductions Author: The earliest Church traditions we have about the authorship of 1st John is that the Apostle John, the son of Zebedee, is the author.  Even more, 1st John is so similar to the Gospel of John in language, style, and theology that few have ever disputed that both books have the same author. […]