Romans 6:23: Death and Life

“The payment for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Such marvelous words, which leap from the page, abounding with God’s […]

Exodus: Lesson 2: Moses Encounters God

Moses’ Youth (Exodus 2:1-25) Read Exodus 2:11-15 According to Acts 7:23, Moses was not a man of about 40. –          What did Moses do after he saw an Egyptian abusing […]

1st Maccabees, Lesson 8: More Strife and Rome Enters the Picture

In chapter 6, we learned of an internal struggle for power following the death of Antiochus IV.  It was this struggle that brought Lysias to propose a peace treaty with […]

1st Maccabees, Lesson 7: The Seleucids Counterattack

In chapter 5, we see Judas weaken the Gentile forces surrounding him while strengthening and consolidating his Jewish population base.  But he still doesn’t have full control around Jerusalem.  We […]

Exodus 20:1-17: God’s First Word

Even after God had given His Law to us, when He gave tablets of stone to Moses, we still shouldn’t have needed God to do that.  For, at the dawn […]

Exodus, Lesson 1: Introduction to the Birth of Moses

Title The title “Exodus” comes from the Greek translation of the Old Testament called the Septuagint.  Exodus means “departure” or “going out.”  It has that title because it covers Israel’s […]

Properly Formed New-Covenant Worship

Our True Citizenship 1 Peter 1:1-2: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ: To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, chosen according to […]

Sermon for St. Peter and St. Paul: Matthew 16:13-19

Everywhere we look, it seems as if the world we grew up in and know is crumbling around us.  State after state is redefining marriage to include a union with […]

Genesis 50:15-21: God Invades Evil with His Grace and Works It to Our Good

As Christians, we believe that God brings some good even out of the worst of evils.  We know we live in a fallen world.  We even know that we are […]

Radio Interview on the Purpose of Singing in Church

Issues Etc. interviewed our pastor on the topic: The Purpose of Singing in Church.  You can hear the interview here:   The interview centers on the article our pastor […]