Romans 7:15-25: Sermon for Niles Gappa’s Funeral

Niles could be a demanding man.  This is no surprise to those who knew him.  Donna knew and lived it since she married Niles in 2007.  Yet, Donna also saw […]

1st Maccabees, Lesson 14: Simon and John and their Maccabean Rule

In the last lesson, we learned how Jonathan was killed and how Simon then became ruler of Judea.  We also read a section praising Simon, for Simon had achieved true […]

Matthew 6:24-34: Remember the Lilies

If the first man, Adam, brought sin, chaos, and death into the world and passed it on to all his descendants, then why isn’t the world in complete chaos all […]

Exodus, Lesson 8: Going Through the Water

The Lord, Yahweh, gave Moses instructions about Passover within the context of the tenth plague.  In that plague, the firstborn male would die, if the doorpost of the house was […]

Luke 10:25-37: Who’s the Good Samaritan?

We want to skip directly to the end, don’t we?  We hear Jesus’ words to the lawyer, “Go and do the same,” and we assume that Jesus is speaking them […]

Exodus, Lesson 7: The Tenth Plague and Passover

Moses has continued to confront Pharaoh, yet Pharaoh has refused to let Israel go, even after nine plagues.  Although Pharaoh had agreed to let the Hebrews go to worship Yahweh […]

1st Maccabees, Lesson 13: Free, Free at Last!

Last week, we learned that Trypho, a general trying to seize the Seleucid throne, had slaughtered 1,000 of Jonathan’s men and Jonathan also.  However, 1 Maccabees left the specifics of […]

Understanding Alzheimer’s

This is our pastor’s article for our September newsletter.   Our fall into sin has dealt us all a cruel fate.  Sin has not only affected us, but its aftershocks […]

Mark 7:31-37: Deaf and Mute No More

The ears and tongue always go together.  After all, they’re both the organs of language.  If the ears don’t work, especially when you’re young and learning a language, then the […]

Exodus, Lesson 6: The Plagues Continue: Plagues 6-9

Last week we saw Moses and Aaron finally confront Moses as God had commanded.  After the first few plagues, Pharaoh began to relent and promised to allow God’s people to […]