Hosea, Lesson 7: The Stench of Death

In Hosea 11, we went over God’s love letter to His people.  In it, God was wistful, remembering when faithfulness was more a part of His people.  Yet, looking forward, God stated that His children would come to Him, specifically from Gentile lands.    God had not abandoned those whom He called to be His own.  […]

Exodus, Lesson 15: Civil Ordinances Protecting Life and Limb

It has only been a few months since Yahweh rescued Israel from their slavery in Egypt.  In Exodus 3:12, He had promised to bring Israel to Mt. Sinai and again reveal Himself–this time to the entire nation. Sinai was the mountain of God, the place where He put in place His [Old] Covenant with its […]

Exodus, Lesson 14: God’s Words as It Relates to Others and Proper Worship

Still looking into God’s Ten Words (Exodus 34:28, Deuteronomy 10:4) to His people, we continue to understand what to means to live as God’s people toward those around us.   Read Exodus 20:15 –          What is God protecting in this verse?   Genesis 2:15-16: The Lord God took the man and placed him in the Garden […]

Hosea, Lesson 6: The Lord’s Love for Israel

God and Hosea have both, almost exhaustively, called Israel to repent.  But Israel’s response has been only outward at best with still an unchanged heart.  And so, both God and Hosea have more to say.  We begin by hearing from Hosea. Read Hosea 10:1-2 In these verses, the Hebrew is not clear whether Hosea is […]

Dealing with Life and Death in a Fallen, Uncertain World

This is our pastor’s newsletter article for SOTHLC’s November, 2013 newsletter.   Last month, Sheri and I took our 21 year old dog, Samson, to the vet to be put to sleep.  It was heart breaking.  Yet, we felt compelled, as his health had declined so badly that his life was one of constant burden and […]

Hosea, Lesson 5: Reaping the Whirlwind

We have learned that Israel half-heartedly repented.  The repentance was not real repentance but only of outward show—and even the outward show of repentance was not convincing.  And so the harsh words for Israel continue.  Read Hosea 8:1-3 Hosea used a word to describe a bird overhead, ready to eat Israel.  The word can either […]

Exodus, Lesson 13: God Words as It Relates to Others

Still looking into God’s Ten Words (Exodus 34:28, Deuteronomy 10:4) to His people, we continue to understand what to means to live as God’s people toward those around us.   Read Exodus 20:14 We now take an extended look into this word from God as our culture, in many ways, revolves around one’s view of sexuality […]

Hosea, Lesson 4: Unfaithful Kings, Unfaithful People

In the last lesson, we made our way through Hosea chapter 5.  Through poetry, Hosea described what would happen to the Northern Kingdom if they did not “return to [God’s] place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek [his] face” (Hosea 5:15).  Today, we hear Israel’s answer. Read Hosea 6:1-3 –          How do these verses […]

Exodus, Lesson 12: God Words to His People

After the people of Israel agreed to do all that God had spoken, God gave to Moses His Ten Words.  We went through God’s first word, which declared who He is as their God–the God who rescues, saves, and delivers.  God’s second word dealt with having no other “gods before Him,” which after their recent […]

Hosea, Lesson 3: Being a Prostitute and Loving It unto Death

Hosea had to buy back his wife (as if he were paying for her services as a prostitute).  Hosea provides us a picture of what God does: He buys us back, using His Son, Jesus, as the price.  After that, we learn that the priests in the Northern Kingdom were not fulfilling their teaching role.  […]