
This is our pastor’s newsletter article for the October edition of our newsletter.   At our last Voters’ Assembly, I said it was dangerous for a pastor to reveal too much personal information about himself.  Why?  Some in their “empire building” use such information to hurt and harm the pastor to achieve some goal.  It’s […]

Hebrews 13:7-17: Spiritual Remembering

How ironic.  The day before I leave to care for my parents because they suffer from Alzheimer’s, the book of Hebrews warns us against a spiritual Alzheimer’s.  For the Christian Church is a living reality, also with a memory.  The book of Hebrews speaks of this memory, telling those in the Church not to succumb […]

Romans: Lesson 5: The Remnant of God’s Instruction in the Fallen Heart and the Jewish Failure at Rome

To confront the Gentile sin of license, Paul wrote that God will judge everyone impartially, even that His impartiality is a character of His righteousness (Romans 2:6-11).  Of course, Paul earlier taught that God’s righteousness is our salvation (Romans 1:16-17).  So, God has the cure for what ails us.  If we stand before God based […]

Understanding Alzheimer’s

This is our pastor’s article for the September issue of our newsletter.   We are defective copies of imperfect copies of flawed copies.  Humanity’s fall into sin introduced, not only death but also physical decay and disease.  We admit as much every Sunday in our Confession of Sin: “We are by nature sinful” (LSB 151, […]

Luke 13:22-30: Are YOU Saved?

Convinced of being correct, with themselves as judge of right and wrong, Jewish men readied themselves for the fight.  Against whom were they fighting?  Other Jews.  Those from the School of Hillel, such as Saul, who later became the Apostle Paul, argued that every Jew would receive salvation.  Not so taught Shammai, the other leading […]

Romans: Lesson 4: God Gives Salvation but also Judges

Paul is dealing with both Jewish works-righteousness and Gentile sinful license.  Against works-righteousness, he drew from Isaiah 51, affirming that salvation IS the righteousness of God.  Against sinful license, he adapted from the Apocrypha book of Wisdom as a foil to confront sin: If pagans have no excuse before God, how much more so for […]

Luke 12.49-53, Hebrews 11:24-12:3: Eternal Peace

“Do you think I came to bring peace on earth?  No, I tell you, but division.”  We don’t expect such crazy-sounding talk from Jesus, the Prince of Peace, do we?  We expect Jesus to bring the family together—but He, instead, says something else.  He sets father against son, mother against daughter, and in-law against in-law. […]

Romans: Lesson 3: Ignorance is No Excuse—Not When You Aren’t Really Ignorant

Paul writes a letter to the church at Rome to correct ideas that the Jews and Gentiles brought with them into the Church.  The Jews brought a work righteousness, displayed by following Old-Covenant rituals (Law).  The Gentiles brought their current-day mores, thinking that grace allowed them to continue in sin.  After the faintest of praise […]

Luke 12:32-40 (Genesis 15:1-6): Who’s Promising?

She chuckles in response: “Promises, promises.”  Her ears have taken in her husband’s words before as he sits in comfort, watching the game.  “I’ll get to it later,” but later never comes.  Oh, he’s sincere: he does plan to take out the garbage.  But something comes along and the intent to do so is gone, […]

Romans, Lesson 2: Set Apart for the Gospel

The Opening Salvo As was the custom of letters in his day, Paul first identifies himself as the author.  Next, the author would identify the recipient(s) and then greet them. 1 Maccabees 10:25: “King Demetrius to the nation of the Jews: Greetings.” Acts 15:23: “From the apostles and the elders, your brothers, to the brothers […]